Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Jalepeno bacon cheese bites

My sister found this idea on Pinterest about bacon wrapped jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese. All something I am fond of so she decided that we should try it. They came out pretty good if I say so myself.

I was skeptical especially since they were supposed to be cooked on the BBQ pit. Bacon is a pain to work with under the best of circumstances but what the heck.
First couple of steps are idiot proof, just cut the peppers in half and clean them  letting them air dry completely. Then scoop plain cream cheese try to keep them level it makes it easier to wrap. If you want to spice up the cream cheese you can dice up one pepper (seeds & all) very fine and mix with the cheese or any other spice or flavoring you wish to use. I want to try some with Hoison sauce and diced shrimp mixed in Yummy. Now comes the harder part the bacon.

You need a bacon with a good marbling of fat and not to thick as it will make it harder to wrap. The reason the peppers need to be dry is to keep the cheese from sliding while you wrap.
You will notice that there is a lot of overlap you want this because remember bacon shrinks so use long slice do not cut them.
When you finish it looks like this you can use twine or a toothpick to anchor the bacon while cooking. Or if you did the wrapping right you can just use the weight to hold the bacon in place.
Put them in the fridge to chill the cheese and bacon so it holds together better on the grill.
 Now comes the fun part you can do this in the oven under a broiler just keep a close watch for burning and/or fires. Or you can put some foil down and cook them on the pit. The smoke adds an incredible flavor. Turn once and pull when the bacon looks as done as you like it. Some people like crisper bacon then others.
 Just remember the longer you cook the more chance the cream cheese will run. Other then that enjoy. Just be warned they are addictive as hell and tend to disappear as fast as you get them off the pit.

The other good thing of course is the cost. Doing these as an appetizer for game or movie night is fun. They can be done ahead and frozen or just kept chilled until needed. They are on 1/3 the cost of regular frozen appetizers and twice as good.

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