Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Skirt to Blouse

My sister and I have really gotten into the blogs for DIY. I have always had to alter clothes we buy due to our size and my height but never did major overhauls until we caught the re-fashion bug. The blog we saw first was Refashionista ( and her 365 changes. Now we have a few of our own to share.
My sister brought several skirts when they were on sale but was not happy with the fit we decided to try to make some blouses instead.
First I trimmed the elastic then placed the skirt upside down on my sister. She wanted a draped front so I pulled the front in until I got the proper fit. You will noticed I used binder clips instead of pins this is easier for quick fittings and less danger of poking an eye out when you are trying to take it off. I wanted the seams in front to look straight as they would look more natural. The arms are loose and drapey.

The hem of the skirt acts as a natural hem for the neck and sleeve although I did turn the back of the neck under once to make the seam look straight along the shoulder. I serged the bottom and hemmed it ½”. I think it came out real well.


  1. I love my blouses. They are flowy (is that a word) and super comfortable. They make me feel pretty because they fit well and suit me. Thanks, sis. :)

  2. I LOVE THIS! I am not that great of a sewer and very visual learner if you could put some step by step photos next time you do this that would be great!

  3. Love how this came out. Good use of material.
